This has been a busy busy week, and I'm not sure why. I always thought that when the kids got older that I was going to have all this time to do whatever, well I was sure wrong! I'm busier than ever, of course now that "I'm" older along with them being older, I'm moving much slower! O.K. enough about my age....
I'm so loving all the challenges over at
Willow Traders! The challenge that was due today was #8 and it was to make a home made flower. I had never done this before and wasn't too sure that I wanted to either, but a challenge is a challenge. (We are allowed 3 skips but this time around I'm really trying to do them all with no skips!) I used one of the flowers from
Scrap A Little's Blog and used pictures of my beautiful daughter Angel.
Someone asked me what was she doing in the pictures, and I laughed and told them she's doing everything she can not to look at me because she knows I don't like it when they (the kids) look right at the camera....she's good...she follows directions.
I used a kit from October 2007 Sweet Pea for this, and while the paper and embellies are old they are still beautiful!